Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A series of unfortunate events

So this past weekend (first weekend in May) began my series of unfortunate events...
1) Saturday was a beautiful summ- I mean spring day, so I went over Erin's house to lay out by her un-opened pool and pretend like it was June. We haven't seen each other since the engagement party so we had boat loads to catch up on. Literally from the minute we sat on lounge chairs we were chit-chatting non-stop about all sorts of topics. Long story short, I got so caught up in the conversations that I forgot to put my wonderful sunscreen on until it was too late... and I was burnt to a crisp. (except my face because that was the one place I did put it on). And also since we did a lot of face-to-face conversations, my entire right side got most of the color so I had very awkward burn lines on the right side of my body. So it's now Thursday and the burn is about 98% gone. Finally.
2) Sunday was a scorcher. Hot and humid, near 90 degrees by noon... pretty much undesirable weather according to my standards. Well it was the only day that weekend I had time to start getting all the errands done that I needed so after a nice run (and almost taking a free coffee table at a yard sale that I passed by) I headed out to open a bank account, find new pants for work, etc...
Well I go on the highway towards South Attleboro and I realize while I'm driving that in order to stay straight in the lane my wheel is ALMOST at a 45 degree angle. Obviously this is not right and very sudden so I'm wondering what the heck is going on with my wheels! But I didn't think it was anything serious, maybe just my alignment is off. So I pull into the shopping center and go to Bob's. Then in that same center is a Payless which is great because I also need new black shoes! So as I drive over I hear a loud sound that sounds like I have a flat tire. So when I parked in front of the store I get out and sure enough... the tire on the passenger front side is completely flat. WONDERFUL! I've seen a tire get changed once by my dad when I accidentally ran over a curb and slit his tire open when he was teaching me how to drive, which now that would be almost 8 years ago. So even if I could remember how to change the tire, it was WAY too hot for me to even attempt it, and a wasp was flying around. No thanks. So I call Allstate road assistance...
3) While I'm on the phone with them, my phone starts beeping that it's battery is dying. Stupid phone! So to cover all my bases, I send Colin a text to fill him in, even though he can't do much because he's down the Cape for drill, and the only other phone number I had was his step-mother's cell phone which she had just given to me the night before. But she's gone having a couple's massage with his dad and doesn't get the message I left. 1 hour later, Colin's dad calls me and says he's on his way, but just a few minutes before he gets there the tow truck finally makes it and changes my tire. But now the donut tire is like 25% flat too. So I drive Colin's dad's car back while he takes my car to a gas station to fill up the donut with air even though it will get more flat as I drive it. But when we got home he took it to the gas station to get a plug for it and then Monday he dropped it off to get a plug for the main tire.
4) Monday began a new work week and my first time taking the train into the city (at least for business this time, not pleasure). The train ride was fine. Jam-packed though so I had to stand. But the guy never came around to check the ticket so I got a free ride (well I actually didn't have a ticket I was just going to pay cash so it worked out well). But for those of you who didn't hear on the news, The Great Pipe Burst in Boston = no water for the entire city and surrounding towns. So not only did I have to buy a lot of bottled water, but every single coffee shop was closed because they couldn't serve coffee with the contaminated water. Booo...
The only good thing that happened this weekend was Sunday evening. I went over Colin's for dinner and while we were at Stop N Shop picking up the fixings for our Italiano dinner for 2 (Stouffer's lasagna and fresh garlic bread), Colin noticed that we parked next to a peculiar car. It was a silver 2010 Camero with Florida plates and tinted windows all around. This only means one thing in these parts; a PATS player. But which player?
As we shopped Colin saw a 6'3" big jacked black guy with dreads down his back, dressed in athletic gear. DING DING DING! We didn't want to be rude and stare so we didn't get a close look. Colin thought it might have been Brandon Spikes (a rookie line backer who is my age!). He was buying all sorts of feminine stuff and baby stuff. So most likely his wife/girlfriend sent him out to grab some essentials. Colin said he looked completely lost when he was staring at all the shampoos.
Run-ins with PATS players happen often enough for me to put it on my list of Reasons Why I Love Living In This Area. :)


  1. I loooove reading these so much!

  2. Never a dull moment...!

    If you ever have car problems just calling the roadside service is enough. Sometimes you done have to wait a while but they will be there.
