Tuesday, May 18, 2010

good news, bad news?

So a couple weeks ago on cinco de mayo I had an interesting day at work. It was a Wednesday which is somewhat of a slow day and my manager Kevin had called out. Anyways, sometime in the middle of the day the next level manager Scotty came to me and Andrea, (the other new Traffic girl who started a few weeks before me) and said there was a meeting and we were to attend. This was odd because we have set meetings every week that we go to. A meeting at a random, unscheduled time caught us off guard. Andrea joked asking if we were getting fired. And it got me thinking that perhaps that was the issue! I mean, I had been there for a few weeks now and was still completely lost with my work, so maybe they had picked up on it and were going to give us a stern talking to.

Well the meeting got even more serious when 10 minutes later, the founder/owner/CEO/whatever you want to call him comes in looking bleak. He opens by saying something along the lines of, “if you don’t do your work, you’re going to get fired”. I start freaking out, thinking of all the times I go on Facebook while I’m at work (hey, I’m still learning and if they don’t give me stuff to work on, what else am I supposed to do?). Then he says how three top-level managers had just been fired. BAM. Everyone was shocked. Three Senior Executives, or at least the equivalent of, were let go that day! The CEO, Brad, went on to say how we were in this room, finding out in person before anyone else in the company because we were “the A team”. Phew. They don’t know about my Facebook stalker habits! Yet…

Anyways, the meeting goes on to inform us on the changes now to come, blah blah blah. Then a few hours later Scotty comes back to our department and tells us we’re being taken out for ice cream. I’m not sure if it was to celebrate us being on “the A team” or if this was just one of the many field trips the department likes to take, but it was a welcomed leave of absence from the office for a while. We went to Coldstone and I got a raspberry sorbet with gummy bears.

That was Wednesday. By Friday I had learned that about a dozen or so more people had been let go because of poor work habits. Whether it be sales people never making advertising sales or what have you. That Friday was the last day for one of the Traffic girls (she is now at Staples Corporate, where I first accepted a job then changed my mind last minute to come here. Bold move. Bad mistake.) and she was saying how since she’s leaving and so many people have been let go, this almost solidifies us keeping our precious new jobs. I guess with this market I can’t complain. Even though I do. I guess I can’t help it! I may not be picky when it comes to food but apparently I’m very picky when it comes to a job…

1 comment:

  1. What a nerve racking time! You are obviously better than you give yourself credit for. I'm proud of you!
